••can ye pass the acid test?••

ye who enter here be afraid, but do what ye must -- to defeat your fear ye must defy it.

& defeat it ye must, for only then can we begin to realize liberty & justice for all.

time bomb tick tock? nervous tic talk? war on war?

or just a blog crying in the wilderness, trying to make sense of it all, terror-fried by hate radio and FOX, the number of whose name is 666??? (coincidence?)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monday, 29 November 2010 11:40 by Betty Cauler

In following the saga of America's unemployment situation I've come across some pretty asinine statements by conservatives, not the least of which is the dumbfounded belief that the long-term unemployed are a bunch of “lazy, drug-addicted hobos.” But Charles Payne’s recent FOX News interview with Gregg Rosen, co-founder of the American 99ers Union, has to take top billing in terms of idiocy.

Mr. Rosen asked Mr. Payne: "When you have Americans out there who are losing their homes, can't feed their families, and in some cases are taking their own lives, if we go along with your line of reasoning, you are telling me that people would rather go hungry and homeless than get a job?"

Mr. Payne responded with: "If people are faced with going hungry or homeless, they will find a job, they will create a job, they will create opportunities, because guess what? When the first Americans landed here, there was nothing. Some of them froze to death, some resorted to cannibalism, but they made it, they created the greatest country in the world"

Asked his opinion after the interview, Mr. Rosen replied: “So, I guess if we follow the Fox recovery plan it won't be Turkey we will be dining on for Thanksgiving, rather we will be consuming our fellow 99ers. Of course that will solve the problem to a certain extent, as the 99ers won't go hungry for the holidays and there would be less of us (insert extreme sarcasm here)."

“lazy, drug-addicted hobos”? sounds like gaddafi.

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