what's good about scott brown's win...
...is that it ends the illusion that the dems had 60 votes. or should i say delusion?
they never had 60 votes. we should've known they couldn't count on lieberman or landrieu or ben nelson when push came to shove.
in fact a lot of dems are far more independent than all those self-proclaimed gop "mavericks" and "rogues" and "rebels" even claim to be.
think about it: which party votes in lock step more often?
the gops claim they're the bipartisan party. what's their evidence? why, the fact that some dems almost always vote with them, while the dem side of the issue usually gets only dem votes.
i know it's hard to believe anyone actually swallows that argument, but it appears that more than a few not only don't choke on it but digest it and incorporate it into their belief systems.
that's the quality of deep thought that makes politics so frustrating for so many.
the same kind of uncritical thinking last august fooled a lot of folk into believing a majority opposed a public option just because protesters dominated town hall meetings. in actual fact, national polls two months later in october showed 57% favor the public option.
what they never thought of is that those halls only hold a few hundred people out of nearly 700,000 in a congressional district.
hardly a majority.
just another illusion.
more smoke and mirrors.
4 hours ago
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