talk about misguided priorities!
here's a comment i ripped off
Guess this shows the depth of Bushit and Chertoff's concern about real security--they veto the security bill because some unions might pick up some members! As far as "quickly responding" anyone who's been in an airport knows what bull that is. These guys do the most routine job imaginable, and when something does change, like liquid explosives, the ponderous DHS and TSA move as slowly as mating hippos in implementing the new rules, which usually undergo a few revisions until they are not totally ridiculous.
Posted by gkc99 at 05:47 PM : Feb 28, 2007
repealing 'don't ask, don't tell'
any policy that motivates personal secrecy invites blackmail. phobic rationalization trumped national security with this one as much as with the total ban preceding it.
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