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••can ye pass the acid test?•• ye who enter here be afraid, but do what ye must -- to defeat your fear ye must defy it. time bomb tick tock? nervous tic talk? war on war?
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About.com Political Humor
Six years to develop a policy, and the bomb that was detonated last week was "Clinton's fault"? Even the usual other lackys in the Rep. party aren't letting Bush off the hook so easily, since he quickly shut down talks with n. Korea after taking office and in his rhetoric, referred to N. Korea as one key in the axis of evil. This is election year, or the dress rehearsal rhetoric for a run in 08. He's lost his morale compass, which, notwithstanding my disagreement with McCain on many political issues, I respected him up until the past six months. It's shameful and he'll rue the day when his head clears.