••can ye pass the acid test?••

ye who enter here be afraid, but do what ye must -- to defeat your fear ye must defy it.

& defeat it ye must, for only then can we begin to realize liberty & justice for all.

time bomb tick tock? nervous tic talk? war on war?

or just a blog crying in the wilderness, trying to make sense of it all, terror-fried by hate radio and FOX, the number of whose name is 666??? (coincidence?)

Friday, March 17, 2006

this was a comment by MinneapolisMike on 2/27 on huffingtonpost.com:

The elusive Irony the Hollywood Leftist Elite crave so dearly will be finally working against them instead of for them when they realize that they are the ones who will be on the wrong side of history and not the President and all his brilliant staff and policies.

George Clooney is typical of the exact wrong type of thinking to actually win the War on Terror. Right-thinking Americans realize that they must believe in the President above all else. When they are told that the situation in Iraq could not be going any better, they dutifully do not question this information and nod in accordance. When they are told of the number of American soldiers that have died in Iraq, they happily and gleefully attack the messenger rather than dealing with the grief this is calling. The best policy always when hearing obviously false reports that Iraq is on the brink of a civil war is to label actors such as George Clooney with the most vile and hate-filled rhetoric possible.

Ultimately, right-thinking Americans need to believe that any hardships encountered as we roll to a complete and total victory in Iraq and the overall War on Terror is due directly to horrible people such as George Clooney. Obviously his whole motive is to give aid and comfort to our enemies. He must be thought of in terms even worse that the most evil terrorist imaginable. The American public must be made to believe that George Clooney hates our country so much that he smiles all the while as he plots to destroy it from within with all his evil liberal kin. The American public must continue to believe we have won the War in Iraq, we have won the War on Terror, and that the President and America is right in whatever policies they state because to not do so is to be on the side of dissenters such as George Clooney. Most Americans would rather die than be associated with filth such as this.

Facts mean nothing. The truth as stated by the main stream media means nothing. Integrity, honesty, and sincerity are antiquated concepts in a post 9/11 world. The only thing that matters is the brilliant ideology of our President and that the nation continues to put all blind faith in this vision, regardless of consequences. History will be written by the winners and since George W Bush has never lost, he alone will get to choose whether he simply wants to be regarded as the greatest President of all time or the greatest spreader of Freedom the world has ever known.
i can't tell if he means it or not.

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