i'm not a prophet. media folk these days make so many useless predictions there's no need for me to put in another 2¢ worth.
but i can't resist pointing out that some of the state of the union is quite predictable.
like, da prez will
• squint a lot so as not to smirk
• brag about the economy and iraq's elections
• repeat his call for medical savings accounts and making his tax cuts permanent
• talk again about the importance of developing new energy-saving technologies like hydrogen fuel cells, but won't ask congress to fund it
• defend eavesdropping again, but won't give any meaningful reason it has to be warrantless, because he doesn't want to admit the program is fruitless and the NSA runs too many taps for arabic translators to listen to within 72 hours; and, of course, he'll use the "terrorist threat" to justify it and any other lawbreaking he does
• depending on what happens today, either congratulate the senate for confirming sam alito or lecture them on their (fictional) constitutional obligation to give him an up-or-down vote, and
• not admit he's destroying america.
tweedleden and tweedledick will stand behind him leading the gop side of the aisle in a record-setting number of orchestrated standing ovations while the dems sit on their hands.
my favorite caller to washington journal this morning said he's a republican who has no complaints about his party, but he hopes bush will say nothing, "so i'll know he's not lying to me again."
i'm hoping he'll change the world with those 2 magic words "i resign."
22 hours ago
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