the sheets of chlorine-free, 100% post-consumer recycled paper with soy-based ink also had a few exhortations and news items i'd missed in mass media.
here's some samples:
Eye on Congress: Katrina Leaves Oily Residue
In today's Washington, no tragedy is so deep that it can't be mined for handouts to business cronies. Hurricane Katrina, for instance. As fuel prices soared, the House leapt to approve the Gasoline for America's Security Act. It does nothing to help drivers at the pump. But the so-called GAS Act is bloated with perks for oil companies. It opens coastal areas to exploration, eases drilling in Alaska and relaxes pollution laws. In a rare show of integrity, representatives voted the act down. Until GOP leaders extended the vote by 40 minutes and bullied enough moderate Republicans to change their votes and win, 212-210.
Donations Spotlight: ForestEthics
Stretching from Alaska to Newfoundland, the Boreal Forest is an astounding wilderness. As large as 13 Californias, it holds more freshwater than anyplace on the planet. It cleans the air we breathe. It's home to bears, wolves and the elusive woodland caribou known as the "gray ghost." But it's going fast. Canada's Boreal Forest is being logged at the rate of 2 acres a minute, 24 hours a day. Much of the wood ends up in catalogs and other junk mail. ForestEthics is fighting to save the Boreal, crafting a plan to preserve it and pressuring retailers to stop using wood from this endangered and irreplacable [sic] ecosystem. ForestEthics is one of many outstanding organizations you support as a Working Assets member. Learn more at
Confirming the Worst: Fight Alito Nomination
President Bush has nominated Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. If confirmed, Alito, who has ruled that women should get permission from their husbands for an abortion, would replace the moderate swing vote Sandra Day O'Connor. Unfortunately, Judge Alito's 15-year record of written opinions demonstrates extreme hostility to civil rights, environmental protection and reproductive rights. The religious right is ecstatic—Pat Robertson called the pick a "home run"—but the rest of us should demand that the Senate defend our hard-earned rights.
Block the Bush Plan to Gut the Clean Air Act
The White House never tires of devising dishonest legislation that does the opposite of what its title implies. Like Clear Skies, which makes our air dirtier. Or Healthy Forests, which invites loggers to cut more trees. To the list of Bush oxymorons we may add the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA now spends much of its time finding ways to undermine laws that protect the environment. Recently the agency announced plans to dismantle the New Source Review program of the Clean Air Act and allow old, dirty power plants to dodge emission standards.
Urge EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson at 202/272-0167 to drop his plan to gut the Clean Air Act. Don't let old power plants spew tons more pollution.
there was also a success story:
...last summer, the EPA sought a rules change that would have let wastewater plants blend sewage with treated wastewater and dump the putrid mix into lakes, rivers and coastal waters. Gross. Thanks in part to pressure from members of Working Assets, the House and Senate forced the EPA to flush the plan.
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