••can ye pass the acid test?••

ye who enter here be afraid, but do what ye must -- to defeat your fear ye must defy it.

& defeat it ye must, for only then can we begin to realize liberty & justice for all.

time bomb tick tock? nervous tic talk? war on war?

or just a blog crying in the wilderness, trying to make sense of it all, terror-fried by hate radio and FOX, the number of whose name is 666??? (coincidence?)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

more innocent blood on bush's hands

in baghdad today, commemorating the anniversary of the death of a historical figure, a crowd panicked at cries that a suicide bomber was approaching.

800-1000 died—mostly women and children trampled in the stampede.

it was the latest—and worst so far—of the unexpected consequences of an unnecessary war we were led to believe would be easy, quick, and cheap—so much so that we planned for the best-case scenario and totally ignored the possibility that anything could go wrong.

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